
Could you, or i don't know causal agency you know;

be habitually Driven by anxiety or fear?

Could you, or mayhap someone you know;

Most recent news:

be routinely Defensive or insecure?

Could you, or possibly soul you know;

be habitually Self-centered or inconsiderate?

Other sources

Could you, or perhaps person you know;

be habitually Annoyed or angry?

Could you, or conceivably somebody you know;

be routinely Controlling or manipulative?

Could you, or possibly person you know;

be habitually, Disorganized, distributed or irresponsible?

Could you, or conceivably causal agency you know;

be for all time denying of my own culpability or accountability

for bankrupt planning, disarrangement or irresponsibility,

often demanding, no smaller quantity expecting, others to travel to the rescue?

How could kinship group retort to you, or perhaps someone you know?

Are folks routinely inspired and energized by encounters

with you, or maybe being you know;

or could they habitually be left notion drained, fatigued or annoyed?

Could you, or possibly individual you know;

be more preventative after spiritually ambitious?

Could you, or maybe human you know;

be an Energy Vampire?

Could you, or peradventure causal agency you know;

thirst for a more than meaningful existence?

Could you, or perhaps soul you know;

hunger for greater:

Compassion, Insight, Peace,

Devotion, Bliss and Love?

Then now, quick, hurry:

find an effective teacher of Emotional Alchemy,

receive his or her blessings and guidance,

put his orders into practice

and accomplish the trail in THIS life!

Why? Why? Why?

Because the alternative

is UN-thinkable!

Because the alternative

is UN-bearable.

Because the alternative

denies your luck.

Lord Buddha was born

to fulfil swarming education in one life

and run away the sufferings of the global.

Are you set for the secret?

That is as well why we were all given birth.

It is scientifically why You were born!


Now is the instance for action;

Now is the instance to discovery a teacher,

Now is the clip to have the teachings,

Now is the event to preparation the teachings,

Now is the occurrence to fulfill the path!

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